Friday, January 13, 2012

Youth Movement

It has been a rough year on both sides, there's no question. But there's reason for optimism - both the men's and women's teams have young talent that is taking the lead on a lot of things.

At the beginning of the second half of the season, there were two good options for the men - either play your best players and hope for the best result from them, or get your younger players more experience with an eye toward the future.

Ultimately, those options were realistically the same thing. That has seen some upperclassmen fighting for ice time. There's no reason not to expect that, when healthy, we will see all five freshman forwards in the lineup on the men's side.

The freshman are making a significant impact on the women's team as well, with Eleeza Cox, Ali Svoboda, and Taylor Mahoney each making solid contributions already.

Six of the top ten scorers for the men are freshmen and sophomores (and four are freshmen).  Six of the seven freshman skaters have put the puck in the net this season at least once.  Freshmen lead both teams in goals scored (Ryan Haggerty with five and Cox with eight).

Those sophomores and freshmen will be juniors and sophomores next year, and both teams have some pretty solid recruits ready to come in as freshmen next season, too. More on them soon.

In the meantime, it's game day for the women as they head off to play at Dartmouth and Harvard this weekend.  Neither team, of course, can be considered low-hanging fruit, but neither seem invincible either. Might be a good weekend to gain some ground if the team plays as well as they did last weekend in a solid win over Colgate (which was followed by a "hang in there and don't get killed" outing against Cornell, easily the class of the league).

Here's a pumpup for the women this weekend. Been looking for a good excuse to go with Muse, this feels like the weekend.

We'll have another tomorrow for the men as they spend today making sure their immunizations are up to date for the yearly trip to Schenectady.

And once again, apologies for the recent lack of content. Podcasts will be returning as soon as our new computer arrives.

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