Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pouring It On

OK, WaP offseason break over.

Tomorrow begins our 21-part Summer Cooler series called "Know Your Enemy." Every Wednesday, we will focus on one of the Engineers' opponents in the upcoming year - 10 non-conference opponents, and 11 ECAC foes. Tomorrow's entry is one of only four teams in all of Division I that the Engineers have never faced before.

In the meantime... enjoy this little giggler, spotted by eagle-eyed friend of the site James Lauser in downtown Albany yesterday. Amazingly, this is a real thing, not Photoshopped in the slightest. Honest.

Consider this the first ever Without a Peer caption contest! Feel free to try your hand at captioning this picture, just leave a comment on this posting. The winner(s) will be revealed next week.


  1. Union provides a preview of its students' future career options

  2. Providing mixed results since 1795.

  3. Exterior view of the Achilles Center.

  4. Union Athletics: Find them wet, leave them dense.

  5. Waste Management doesn't accept advertising

  6. Their players are so slow on the ice they look like they've got skates made of cement

  7. With Union basketball cornering the market on laying bricks, the hockey team had to do something drastic.


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